Meursault 2014 – Vincent Bouzereau winery


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Established since the 16th century, the Bouzereau de Meursault’s are all cousins ​​and all winegrowers. The domain was created in 1990, and the exploitation is composed of 11 hectares of vines, 6 in Chardonnay, 4 in Pinot Noir and 1 in Aligoté. The majority of agricultural plots are located in the municipality of Meursault, but Vincent also has vineyards in Puligny, Monthélie, Auxey-Duresses, Volnay, Pommard, Beaune and on the Montagne de Corton. The cultural techniques are similar to those of vine growers who claim to have local wines, tillage, with weeding to promote microbial life.

The harvest is manually operated. The wine making process is traditional, the grape musts are in theory neither yeast nor enzymes. White wine maturation varies from 12 to 18 months depending on the natural evolution of the wine and its sampling. For the red, the wines are aged between 16 and 18 months before bottling. The barrel park is renewed in proportions that vary with the vintage, but all of the wines stay in barrel in Meursault’s cellars.

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