The term “organic wine” has been officially recognized by Brussels since August 2012. In a generalized consensus, the European authorities have agreed to define what an “organic wine” is in producing specifications to help the winegrower in the cultivation of the vine, (specifications that already existed), and other specifications for winemaking process.
To sum up we can say that a wine called “organic wine” is a wine that comes from grapes grown, lead in an organic farming setting and that have, compare to a traditional practice, undergone a « cleaner » winemaking process free of chemical product. For the so-called organic wines, the dosage of sulfur allowed are still quite high, as well as the use of yeasts selected.
The “organic” wines are nonetheless certified by organisations such as “Ecocert”, which guarantee that the wine produced was raised under the organic management of the vineyard.
It will nevertheless take 3 years for the winemaker to obtain conversion and organic certification. Cultivating the vine organically will confer the wine a better representation of it »s soil while being cleaner for the consumer.
On the other hand, wines from biodynamic cultures are “organic” wines which must undergo stricter specifications at the vine level (low sulfur use) in comparaison with « organic » wines (see biodynamic viticulture).