In the 19th century Paul Bijotat from Berry marries Helene Robert from a winemaking family in the Marne Valley. They settle in Romeny Sur Marne and produce white wine. Their son Maurice married Heliane Houdrichon, the consumption of Champagne is democratized and the first bottles of Champagne Maurice Bijotat are then produced and marketed, directly from the vault to Romeny Sur Marne.

In 1982 Bernard, their son, marries Fabienne Delalande. He then receives vines from his parents in Romeny Sur Marne. The Champagne Bernard Bijotat was borned. Today Sébastien Bijotat manages the operation. In 2013 the estate went from 9 Ha to 10 Ha by acquiring 2 parcels in the Côte des Blancs, classified 1er Cru, to develop the Cuvée Blanc de Blancs 1er Cru that we offer.